Days 359 - 367 (ok 9 days to go!)

life is good! we're 9 days out from the wedding. i can't believe we've been planning for this day for over a year already. and yes, i'm a bit nervous that i won't have such a fun thing to plan for...but no fear, liana is convinced that i'll find myself a new project. it will be sad though that i won't be able to keep justifying purchases we make -- 'but it's for the wedding and we'll use it afterwards too...'
speaking of new stuff-- here are a few things we recently acquired --
bottles for flowers
frames for pictures, obviously :)
painting/frame for a chalkboard sign
forks and wine glasses for our table
and here's a sneak peak from my picasa album of  a few things

bottles for the remaining table center pieces and some for flowers in the courtyard
could not resist these forks!

a preview of the girls in their amazing dresses!

my co-workers threw me a 'surprise' shower on friday. while it was awkward and i was super uncomfortable with like 40 people staring at me when i walked into the room, it was incredibly sweet. i work with some fantastic people and good friends!
"Surprise" shower at work for Jess

ceremony prep is going well and what jess wrote gave us both the chills when reading it. after we work with her over the weekend and make a few edits, we'll be good to go.
And we're featured on a blog! that's fun, huh?!
Ok that's all for now -- more soon.


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About this blog

in an effort to keep me sane, relaxed, organized, humored, and hopefully useful to others, i'm going to document the next 365 days of wedding planning. i'd also like this to be a way to keep family and friends that don't live in boston feeling like they're in the know and involved over the next year. in a nutshell - liana and i are having a very non-traditional, modern wedding with vintage and sustainable elements. these 'elements' are still in progress and over the next year, we'll be on ebay, craigslist, random blogs and websites, trekking out to various antique fairs in New England, and using the skills of our friends and family for DIY projects.

About Me

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Boston, MA, United States


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