so we're close. like really close. and of course we recently realized that we had to mail in the application for a one day officiant at least 6 weeks in advance...good thing we got that mailed in right under the wire! whew!
and now that we've reached the 30 day mark, we can go do the get a marriage license thing now. oh man.
this past weekend we had a small soiree of sorts that started off with some yummy cupcakes and bubbly and perhaps some temporary tattoos with our initials (thanks again Shannon for hosting!)
all in all a great time. thanks so much to everyone who made it out on Sat! it was great to get excited with everyone!
and the weekend ahead promises to be completely the opposite....
on the menu this weekend we have --
- finalize the menu and floor plan
- figure out what i get to search for at....wait for it....brimfield! in just a few short weeks
- get hinges and hinge those damn shutters (thanks to Dan for the tip on the best hinging technique)
- order / print photos for frames
- get some fabric for the photobooth backdrop
- deal with some clothes pins
- test out DIY flower bouquets
- see a girl about some frames in saugus (finally!)
- avoid the hurricane
- work more on ceremony
- homework (um, ya, i'm starting school today and already have homework due on monday)