So we finally did it - the save the dates hit the mail box today! there are still a few more we need to finish up and verify addresses on, but whew! i can't believe the coffee and dining room tables are finally cleared off. for some reason the final steps to finish up the project were just too daunting and we kept postponing it. and now, since addresses are current and in 1 spreadsheet, i can send out the holiday cards that i bought last year and never opened. oops. so that's the goal this week - write those damn cards out!
what else? oh, i've started the part time job with locately and have been busy working on location analysis projects for them over the weekends. it's actually pretty interesting (and yes, i am a big nerd) i've already completed 1 project and received my 1st check! whoo hoo! i'm hoping this gig will pay for the photobooth that i really want, but we'll see.
Days 76 - 85
Posted by
Monday, December 6, 2010
Labels: DIY
test comment--
You guys are so seriously brilliant...and I love that you're blogging! It makes being far away seem not so hard. And I'm so excited!!
*and* my comment worked!
haha - not even close. but i do appreciate the comment :)
and yes, i hope it does keep people who live far away (and really, those nearby too) feeling involved. thanks!
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