days 177 - 210

ok back on track -- lots of updates, but i 1st want to share a necklace on etsy that i stumbled upon this morning.  it can be made with a different color scheme and a different brooch, but i'm kind of loving it. this may be too much with the purple shoes, or maybe this is better than the purple shoes. i'll need to consult with others on this one....

everything else seems to be falling into place - we're meeting with a potential dj next week, so fingers are crossed! he comes with great recommendations from my friends evan and jo, so i'm hopeful :)

and hotels?! YES, i finally got my act togehter and we've blocked rooms for fri and sat at the westin hotel on the waterfront  -- more details will be posted on the wedding website, but rooms are now available for reserving! we realize that this hotel is a bit pricey (although sadly pretty comparable to other hotels downtown boston). so, we're working to find a 2nd hotel with more inexpensive rates. We will be staying at the westin and working with them to have cabs available to take us from this hotel to the epicenter (a 5 min drive). 

food?!  oh we had our menu tasting and it was amazing! we're so excited about our catering team and the options.  i may have a post dedicated to the food later today. but in the meantime, feel free to look at the pics on the web album .


About this blog

in an effort to keep me sane, relaxed, organized, humored, and hopefully useful to others, i'm going to document the next 365 days of wedding planning. i'd also like this to be a way to keep family and friends that don't live in boston feeling like they're in the know and involved over the next year. in a nutshell - liana and i are having a very non-traditional, modern wedding with vintage and sustainable elements. these 'elements' are still in progress and over the next year, we'll be on ebay, craigslist, random blogs and websites, trekking out to various antique fairs in New England, and using the skills of our friends and family for DIY projects.

About Me

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Boston, MA, United States


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